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Investing in Pre-Construction services is the most cost-effective way to maximize your budget.

Pre-Construction Services

Optimize your budget

Pre-Construction dollars are the most valuable that you can spend. We prefer to be involved as early as possible so that we can collaborate and build a trusting relationship with your design team. Being a cohesive project unit is important to negate catchable issues early on so we can help save you money once bids open and construction begins. If we do our job well, you should never be forced to make critical cost and value decisions at the end of the design process.

Our pre-construction services are provided as ways to save you money and time. There’s nothing more frustrating than dealing with continued issues like drawing inconsistencies, document mistakes, and material delays. The goal when we enter a project is to build strong, trusting relationships with you, your design team, and any other consultants that are brought onto the project. This collaboration and communication builds a harmonious and high functioning team.



A large key to our success in maintaining a project’s budget relies on our familiarity with the local construction markets and labor landscapes. Having lived in this area our entire lives, we have experienced extreme weather, COVID-related labor and equipment shortages and other detrimental hits to a project. Understanding and knowing how the region works and reacts to outside situations has helped us keep our projects moving while others pause.

During pre-construction, we will provide multiple rounds of estimates based on the design team’s drawings to ensure that the project scope stays on budget and schedule. These estimates will help us create a full understanding of what will be needed for your project – ultimately helping us secure materials, trades and equipment well before needed. This forethought will help us skirt costly delays and inflated prices.



Among the many benefits of pre-construction services, accurate estimating could arguably be considered one of the most important. Accurate estimating lays the groundwork for a successful project being designed and built within the owner’s budget. This allows the entire team to align the budget and design, preventing large scale changes when the design is further along and avoid delays in the design schedule, ultimately impacting the construction schedule. GCS will work with your selected architect to take an integrated approach to budget financial management throughout the life of your project, bringing you options for key decision points.

All our estimates are quantitative, rather than square foot estimates.

This ensures:

  • Highest level of accuracy for true costs
  • Design team receives specific, thorough feedback
  • In-house estimating allows GCS to keep a close eye on design updates as they occur
  • Updated estimates throughout Schematic Design, Design Development, and
  • Working Drawings
  • Continuous validation from trusted contractors



After a thorough analysis of the drawings and specs, we will create bid packages that ensure each trade does the work that they know and have experience completing. Bid packages will be broken out appropriately to keep each trade well within their wheelhouse – this ensures that all work is being completed by seasoned professionals and maintains the high-quality standards that we set on our jobsites. This also helps keep bid packages in line with the industry’s current offerings of available tradesmen and contractors.

With decades of experience working in the local/regional bidding market, we have come to know and trust many professional contractors. This extensive experience allows us to utilize our pre-existing relationships and past working experience with local tradesmen to pre-qualify contractors based on our own standards of excellence and job satisfaction. We will not recommend contractors that have a history of missing deadlines or not being able to maintain quality standards.