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Construction Manager

Carson Sonstegard

With a Construction Management degree from North Dakota State University and a deeply rooted passion for connecting with people, Carson has been part of the GCS team since 2022. As a construction manager, Carson strives to ensure that everyone stays up to date on the status of his projects and that clear lines of communication and understanding are maintained. Carson loves speaking with everyone on his team each day to encourage camaraderie and check in with everyone. Outside of work, Carson loves being outside and will take any opportunity to do so. His favorite outdoor hobbies are snowmobiling, hunting, and fishing.

What interested you in pursuing construction management as a career?

I love being outside, even in rough weather and jumped at the idea of being able to do that for work.

In your own words, describe your job.

I act as a leader of communication between contractors, I ensure that everyone is kept up to date and knows what tasks they’re responsible for completing and in what timeframe. Part of that communication is also holding everyone on the job site accountable for their parts of the whole.

What’s the best part of your job?

I love being able to talk with so many different people throughout the day. Being able to put multiple heads together to solve a problem instead of waiting around for an email to come through helps empower everyone on the job site.”